England. And Europe.

What the fuck have you guys done. Honestly. You had such great things going for you guys but you had to fuck it all up because some rich Russian oligarchs told you to.
Fuck you all, go fuck yourself. Honestly. I'm so tired of it all.

The Monarchy

Isn't it insane that the Head of State of one of the most "progressive" Western counties is ran by a family of pedophiles
who hide the deformed children and act as if they don't exist? Isn't it fucked up that we base our entire society
around a bunch of conservative pedos who leech off of taxpayer money in exchange for fuckall?
Isn't it a little off that they still have other countries using them as their Head of State thanks to good-old FUCKing colonialism?
Hey Paul, https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2020/11/queen-elizabeth-secret-cousins-true-story-the-crown

The Milk Snatcher

Margaret Thatcher fucking destroyed England. Fuck Maggie.


Let Scotland to their own things you colonialist imperialist fucks. Holy fucking shit, if they want to give people better lives then let them do what they fucking want.
Stop trying to inject yourselves into the lives of everyone around you like you've done for the past hundreds of years, you imperials.
Every fucking English person should be fucking gutted and their corpses fed to the sheep.

Labor Party

Imagine witnessing the downfall of the Conservative party and realizing it's due to the ridiculous fascist idelogy known as Conservatism
And your reaction to all of this is to become Conservatives yourselves.
Fuck the Labor Party, fuck what they did to Jeremy Corbyn, fuck all these fuckers they should all rot and be lynched publicly. These scum.


Let Northern Ireland go. Dastardly fucks. It's almost as if Imperialism just runs in the blood of every fucking Englishman. Fuck all of you, this is why I ran over a group of English college scolars in a stolen Caravan in 2009 and never turned myself in.

stay dead, bitch.

If you're still willing to browse our political pages, you should move on to our Quebec page.

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