
The changelog was added on February 23, 2023. Information before then will be sparse.
February 2, 2023

- The site has been rebuilt from the ground up, I apologize in advance for the lack of content.

February 19, 2023

- Added the page on Steam vs Epic.

February 20, 2023

- Added a page visit counter to the main page.
- Added the page on the United Kingdom and Europe.

February 22, 2023 - v1.0

- Removed the review of Traitors in Salem, as it was stolen from someone else's review of another game.
- Split the Review page into 'Reviews by Me' and 'Reviews by Friends' so people know what games aren't directly my words.
- Finished the pages on Quebec and Club Penguin.
- Reworked the not found page.
- With that, tyresemitchell 1.0 is finally released!

February 23, 2023 - v1.1

- Added the Changelog section to the site, you can now see the history of the site. I will attempt to recollect my memories for past changelog notices, but cannot promise anything.
- Fixed an HTML error in the Copyright page, also replaced the top 'Home' link with a button. Now it's an unblocked page of a proprietary site.
- Added my latest video to the YouTube section, and my review of it to the Reviews section. This is my first video in years, so I have to fix my editing software and such.
- Added different styles to the different sections of the webpage. Green is the default for index, while all the subcategories have different types.

March 1, 2023 - v1.2

- Added my latest video to the YouTube section, and my review of it to the Reviews section.
- Updated the Club Penguin section to warn about Club Penguin Rewritten's return and what it means to us.

March 6, 2023 - v1.2

- Fixed a typo on which OS I use in the Flash Games section.
- Removes a line about why I used neocities in the main page because it lacked relevance.

March 7, 2023 - v1.3

- Added my video and review on Space Funeral to the Game Reviews and YouTube pages.
- Game Reviews section now has all games listed under tabs, with the final score being in the title for easy navigation.
- Fixed styling and tabbing errors in the website's code.
- Made dropdown menus for my Game Reviews as it's getting a little cluttered as more and more reviews come in.

March 16, 2023 - v1.4

- A new section of the site has been added for Super Piracy Quest, my latest game.
- The main page has been updated to announce this game being in development.

March 17, 2023 - v1.5

- Added download links for Littleman's Poor Bird and Super Piracy Quest.

July 26, 2023 - v1.6

- Added download links for TheQuestion's Quest of Sin and added it to the main page.

August 1, 2023 - v1.7

- Fixed links at the bottom of the page to be consistent with its current system of looping around all pages of a section, specifically for TheQuestion's Quest of Sin and Game Reviews.
- TheQuestion's Quest of Sin has been getting consistent updates to its page, but I have not been keeeping track of it here, as it is its own independent thing that needs its own updating.
- Fixed the changelog, I had accidentally flipped over the order in which time increases.

August 25, 2023 - v1.8

- The page on Visustella has been added.
- Fixed some minor bugs with the website. It should look more consistent with eachother now.
